Sunday, December 10, 2017

Birthday Cake for Teen Girl

Happy Birthday Jayla !
#vanilla#birthday #cake #customcake #teengirlscake #happy13thbday #iphone #cakedecorating #cakeartist #cakedesigner #fondantcake #instacake #cakegram #cakestagram #cakedesign #decoration #cakecakecake #birthdaycake 🎂

Sunday, December 3, 2017

Amazing Crowns for Prince & Princess

#cakeartist #cakedesigner #amazingcrowns #fondantart #princecrown 👑#princesscrown👑 #edibleart #photooftheday #loveit

"Prince or Princess" Gender Reveal Cake

#vanilla #cake #genderreveal #genderrevealparty #customcake #cakecakecake #cakelove#instacake #cakedesign#decoration#photooftheday #princeorprincess 👑👑#pillowcake #pinkorblue💗💙 #iloveit😍 #photooftheday #bestoftheday #cakeartist #cakedesigner #mycakesweetdreams

Rescue Bots Cake

Happy Birthday Tyler !
#vanilla#birthday #cake #customcake #rescuebotscake #rescuebotsparty #transformers #cakecakecake #cakelovers #loveit#cakegram #instacake#cakedecorating #cakedesigner #fondantcake #folowme #cakeartist #photography #photoshoot

Atlanta Falcons Football Jersey Shirt Cake

#birthdaycake #birthdayparty #chocolatecake #atlantafalcons #atlantafalconsshirtcake #customcake #birthdayboy #cakecakecake #cakelovers #loveit#cakegram #instacake#cakedecorating #cakedesigner #fondantcake

Afro Puff Baby Girl Cake

#baker#vanilla #customcake #babyshower #babygirl #afropuffcake #amazingcake #cakecakecake #cakelovers #cakedesign #cakedecorating #decoration #instacake #cakestagram #edibleimage #iloveit😍 #babyshowercake #cakeartist #cakedesigner #fondantcake #afropuffbabycake #divinedigitaldiva

Transformers Cake

 Happy Birthday Nathaniel !
#birthdaycake#birthdayparty #birhtdayboy#transformerscake #transformerscupcakes
#transformerscupcaketoppers #customcake#cakecakecake #cakelove#instacake#cakedesign#decoration#photooftheday#vanillacupcakes #happyboy💙 #instacake#cakestagram #cakedesign#decoration#fondantcake #mycakesweetdreams

Poker Themed Birthday Cake

 #birthdaycake #birthdayparty #70thbirthday #pokerthemedcake #customcake #cakecakecake #cakelove#instacake #cakedesign#decoration #photooftheday #photoshoot #fondantcake #pokercards🃏♠️♥️♣️♦️ #ediblecards #mycakesweetdreams

My Little Pony Birthday Cake

 Happy Birthday Grace !
 #birthdaycake #birthdayparty #mylittlepony #mylittleponytheme #customcake #cakecakecake #cakelove#instacake #cakedesign#decoration #photooftheday #photoshoot #bestoftheday #loveit #cakegram #instacake#cakestagram #rainbowcakeinside #cocountcake #cocountcakepops #mycakesweetdreams

Frozen Themed Cake

 #birthdaycake #birthdayparty #birthdaygirl #frozenthemedcake #vanillacake #frozencrown #fondantcake #cakecakecake #cakelovers#loveit #instacake #cakestagram #cakedesign#decoration #photooftheday #photoshoot #bestoftheday #loveit 💙#mycakesweetdreams

Hollywood Themed Baby Shower Cake

#vanillacake #chocolatecake #babyshower #itsagirl #hollywoodtheme #babycakes #babygirl #customcake #cakecakecake #cakelove#instacake #cakedesign#decoration #photooftheday #photoshoot #fondantcake #babyshowercake 

Monday, November 27, 2017

Pink Bling Cake

 #vanillacake #swisscreamcheese #strawberry #chocolatecake #customcake #housewarmingparty #pinkbling #ediblesugardiamonds #cakecakecake #cakelovers #loveit#cakegram #instacake #cakedecorating #cakedesign#cakegram #photooftheday #bestoftheday #fondantcake #folowme 

Carnival & Circus Cake

Nautical Baby Shower Cake

#vanillacake #babyshower #babycakes #babyboy #customcake #cakecakecake #cakelove#instacake #cakedesign#decoration #whalebabyshower #navybabyshowercake #nauticaltheme #whaletopper #fondantcake #photography #photoshoot 

Thursday, November 2, 2017

1st Birthday Cupcake Cake & Cupcakes

Happy Birthday Hayden ! 
#vanilla #birthday#cake #cupcakecake #1stbirthday #firstbirthday #girlscake #gold #pink #customcake #cakecakecake #cakelove #instacake #cakedecorating#cakedesign #cupcakes

Paw Patrol Jungle Rescue Birthday Cake

Happy Birthday Camden !  #vanilla #birthday #cake #customcake #pawpatrolparty #pawpatroljunglerescue #pawpatrol #cakecakecake #cakelovers #loveit#cakedecorating #cakedesign #photooftheday #bestoftheday #fondantcake 

Best Vegan Chocolate Cake

Makes one 8 inch round circle cake

I suggest doubling the recipe and making it a night before so you let the chocolate ganache harden and the cake stand for a while to get all moist and perfect.


1 cup almond milk (or your favorite non-dairy milk)
1 teaspoon apple cider vinegar
3/4 cup granulated sugar
1/3 cup canola oil
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/2 teaspoon almond extract

1 cup all-purpose flour
1/3 cup cocoa powder, Dutch-processed or regular (or a mix of both)
3/4 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1/4 teaspoon salt

Preheat oven to 350F

Mix together wet ingredients in a large bowl.
Mix all dry ingredients together in another bowl.
Using a hand mixer slowly add dry ingredients into wet ingredients.

Lightly grease an 8 inch springform pan. Pour in the batter and bake for 25-30 minutes, until a toothpick inserted through the center comes out clean.

2/3 cup almond milk (or other non dairy milk)
8 oz dark chocolate chips

In a small saucepan bring milk to a boil, then turn heat down to simmer. Add the chocolate chops and mix until melted. Stir until everything is smooth and well incorporated. Set aside and let cool for until the cake is done.

Place the cake on a cake stand and pour the ganache over the cake smoothing it all around until the ganache is everywhere. If you doubled the recipe, place the second cake on top and repeat the ganache process. Let the cake sit in the fridge for a while until you are ready to indulge!

Minion Birthday Cake

                                                 Happy 2nd Birthday Graylan !
 #birthdaycake #birthdayparty #birhtdayboy🎊🎉 #chocolatevegancake #minioncake #customcake #cakecakecake #cakelove##cakedesign #decoration #cakedecorating #photoshoot #cutecake ##fondantcake

Monday, October 9, 2017

90th Birthday Cake

 #birthdaycake #90yearsblessed #birthdayparty #customcake #cakedetalies #gold #royalblue #orangetouch #artdesign #amazingcolors #design #decoration #loveit #fondantcake #like #follow #comment #photooftheday #bestoftheday #photoshoot