Showing posts with label Fondant. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fondant. Show all posts

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Basic Fondant

fondant recipe
This fondant recipe produces a smooth, sweet candy that can be used as the basis for an endless variety of fondant creams and candies.


2 cups granulated sugar
1/2 cup water
2 tbsp light corn syrup

1. Prepare your workstation by setting a large baking sheet on a sturdy counter or table top, and sprinkling it lightly with water.

2. Combine the sugar, water, and corn syrup in a medium saucepan over medium-high heat. Stir until the sugar dissolves, then cover the pan and allow the sugar syrup to boil for 2-3 minutes.

3. Remove the lid, and continue to cook the syrup, without stirring, until it reaches 240 degrees Fahrenheit (115 C).

4. Pour the sugar syrup onto the prepared baking sheet. Allow it to sit at room temperature for several minutes. After 2-3 minutes, lightly touch the syrup with a fingertip. When it is warm but not hot, it is ready to be worked.

5. Dampen a metal spatula or dough scraper with water, and use the scraper to push the syrup into a pile in the middle of the sheet.

6. Using a dampened plastic spatula or wooden spoon, begin to “cream,” or work, the fondant in a figure-8 pattern. Continually scrape the fondant into the center, draw a figure-8, then scrape it together again. At first the fondant will be very clear and fluid, but it will gradually become more opaque and creamy. After 5-10 minutes, the fondant will become very stiff, crumbly, and hard to manipulate.

7. Once the fondant reaches this state, moisten your hands and begin kneading it into a ball like bread dough. As you knead, the fondant will begin to come together and will get softer and smoother. Stop kneading once your fondant is a smooth ball without lumps.

8. At this point, your fondant can be used for melting and pouring. If you want to make flavored fondant candies, it is best to “ripen” your fondant for at least 12 hours to obtain the best flavor and texture. To ripen the fondant, place it in an airtight plastic container, press plastic wrap directly onto the surface of the fondant, and seal the lid on tightly. Ripen the fondant at room temperature, or if it is hot, in the refrigerator. After ripening, the fondant can be flavored, rolled, and shaped in whatever manner you wish. If it is stiff, you can always knead it by hand on a surface dusted with powdered sugar, until it is easy to manage. This recipe produces about 3/4 lb fondant.

Rolled Fondant

Rolled Fondant recipe
Rolled Fondant is a soft, smooth fondant that handles beautifully and is perfect to use when covering cakes with fondant. Although this recipe calls for the use of a stand mixer, it is possible to make this by hand, it just requires a lot of stamina and kneading.
This recipe calls for glycerin, which helps keep the fondant soft and supple. You can find it in some cake stores, some pharmacies, or on many web pages. Be sure to get food-grade or food-safe glycerin.


1 tbsp (1 envelope, or 1/4 oz) unflavored gelatin
1/4 cup cold water
1/2 cup light corn syrup
1 tbsp glycerin
1 tbsp clear flavoring of your choice (to keep the fondant white)
2 lbs powdered sugar


1. Place the cold water in a small microwave-safe bowl and sprinkle the gelatin on top, stirring it to distribute it. Let the gelatin set and soften for two minutes. Once set, microwave the gelatin for 15 seconds until it liquefies, but do not let it boil.

2. Once liquid, stir the corn syrup, glycerin, and any flavorings you might want into the gelatin. Microwave for an additional 15 seconds, then stir again until the mixture is smooth and clear.

3. Place 1.5 pounds of the powdered sugar in the bowl of a large stand mixer fitted with the paddle attachment and make a well in the center. Pour the melted gelatin mixture over the corn syrup into the well.

4. Begin to mix the candy on low speed until the liquid is incorporated. You will have a very sticky mess! With the mixer running, gradually add the rest of the powdered sugar. The candy will get stiffer and you will need to scrape down the sides of the bowl to ensure all of the sugar is incorporated.

5. At this point the fondant will be stiff, but still very sticky. That's normal. Wrap it tightly in cling-wrap and let it sit at room temperature for 24 hours to ripen.

6. After 24 hours, you can unwrap the fondant and knead it until smooth. It is now ready to roll. When you roll it, make sure your workstation and rolling pin is dusted well with powdered sugar or cornstarch. If you are using it to cover a cake, check out this photo tutorial showing how to cover a cake with fondant. Unused fondant can be wrapped tightly in cling-wrap and stored at room temperature for several weeks. Knead well before using.

Chocolate Marshmallow Fondant


1 – 16 oz bag for Miniature Marshmallows
1/2 – 3/4 cup Milk Chocolate Chips (semi-sweet or dark)
2 Tablespoons of Water
1 teaspoons of Lorann Oil chocolate flavor OR chocolate-hazelnut flavor OR 2 teaspoons of your choice of extract
7 – 7 1/2 cups of sifted Confectioner’s Sugar
1/2 – 1 cup of sifted Cocoa Powder
Shortening to grease bowls, spatulas, mixer attachments and your hands when kneading.

1. Melt marshmallows, chocolate chips, water and oil OR extract in microwave in a greased bowl. It takes anywhere form 2 1/2 min to 3 1/2 min. Do it 30 secs at the time and check.
2. In greased mixer bowl place the cocoa powder (amount you choose to use depends on how strong chocolate flavor you want) plus 3 – 3 1/2 cups of confectioner’s sugar. This MUST total 4 cups. Add the melted marshmallow mix to this bowl.
3. Grease the paddle attachment of your mixer and start mixing on slow. Cover your mixer with a damp kitchen towel.
When mixed through change to the hook attachment, greased as well.
4. Start adding the extra confectioner’s sugar one cup at the time until you find the desired consisntency of the fondant. Amount of sugar really depends on how humid it is. If you find it to be too sticky add a little more confectioner’s sugar or if it’s too dry add warm water, very little at a time.
5. Take out of the mixer bowl and knead for about 2-3 or until fondant is all together making a big ball. Consistency must be the same as regular MMF.
It might not be 100% smooth at first, you might feel little lumps of sugar, texture will improve if you let it rest overnight. I always let mine rest for at least one night.
To store, grease plastic wrap with shortening and cover the fondant air tight with it. Then place in ziploc bag, try to get all the air out as well.
Hope you like it, I found it be great and a great solution for all my chocolate fondant needs. Enjoy!!

Fondant Portion Guide

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Marshmallow Fondant

This is my favorite recipe :)


16 oz. mini marshmallows
3-4 Tbsp water
2 lbs  confectioner's sugar, sifted
1/4 C Crisco or vegetable shortening

 prijevod na hrvatski

Marshmallow Fondant

450 g bijelih marshmallow 
900 g šećera u prahu  
2 žlice vode  
1 žličica ekstrakta vanilije 
1 zlica bijele biljne masti
Stavite marshmallow u veliku zdjelu, dodajte vodu i ekstrakt vanilije i zagrijavajte u mikrovalnoj pećnici da se otope. Svakih 30 sekundi zaustavite i promiješajte. Obično je potrebno oko 2, 5 minute.

Izvadite i umiješajte 3/4 šećera. Miješajte prvo plasticnom kuhačom jer je jako vruće.

Ostatak secera  istresite na radnu površinu (idealno je ako imate mramornu podlogu, u suprotnom na glatku radnu površinu) dobro namazanu biljnim masti i na koju ste stavili ostatak šećera u prahu, i čvrsto mijesite  da dobijete čvrsto i elastično tijesto. Da vam se ne bi lijepilo za ruke, namažite ruke biljnim masti

Oblikujte kuglu, omažite je biljnim mrsom da se ne zasuši na površini. Omotajte dobro prozirnom folijom, pa stavite u vrećicu , istisnite što više zraka i dobro je zatvorite.

Ostavite preko noci da se ohladi, nikako u frizider !!!

Za bojanje MMF-a najbolje je koristiti boje u gelu . Nanesite boju čačkalicom, svaki put koristite čistu čačkalicu.

Radnu površinu pospite škrobnim brašnom( gustinom ili šećerom u prahu)  pa na njoj razvaljajte MMF na debljinu od 4-6 mm. Često okrećite u krug da se ne zalijepi (ali ne preokrećite). Uz pomoć valjka prenesite na tortu.

Najprije rukama zagladite gornju površinu, ne pritiskujući već lagano trljajući da prione i da istisnete zrak. Prijeđite polako na stranice.

Ako se eventualno stvore mjehurići, ukoso probušite iglom pa opet zagladite.

Nožem ili kotačićem za pizzu odrežite višak.
