Thursday, December 31, 2020

Beautiful Engagement Cake

 My last cake for 2020 ....

Beautiful Engagement Cake

Romantic, symbolic, beautiful and yummy.

#customcake #engagementcake #cakeartist #congratulations #thankyou❤️

Saturday, December 26, 2020

Chanel Birthday Cake

 #customcake #chaneltheme #cakeartist #cakelovers #marblecake #happybirthday #thankyou

Thursday, December 24, 2020

Winter Wonderland 1st Birthday Cake & Smash Cake

 #1stbirthdaycake #cutomcake #marblecake #winterwonderland #cakeartist #cakedesinger #happybirthdayA'harmani #thankyou

Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Lakers basketball Cake

 #customcake #halfhalfflavors #keylime #redvelvet #cakertist #cakedesigner #lakersthemedcake #happybirthday #thankyou

Friday, December 18, 2020

Silver Patron Cake

 #customcake #silverpatrontequilla #cakedesign #silverdripcake #cakeartist #happybirthday #thankyou

Sunday, December 13, 2020

Playstation Cake

 #PS4 #customcake #playstation #birthdaycake #cakeartist #cakedecorator #cakedecoration #happybirthdayNiyanJ #thankyou

Sunday, December 6, 2020

Afro Puff Baby Girl Shower Cake

 #babyshower #babygirl #customcake #cakedesign #cakedecorator #cakeartist #afropuffgirl #thankyou

Saturday, December 5, 2020

Friday, November 27, 2020

Sunday, November 22, 2020

Candyland 1st Birthday Cake

 #1stbirthdaycake #candylandtheme #cakeartist #cakedesign #happybirthayMo'Raya #thankyou

Saturday, November 21, 2020

50th Birthday Cake

 #happybirthday #customcake #purpleroses #cakedesign #50thbirthday #caketopperbyzana #thankyou

Moana Cake 1st Birthday Cake

 #firstbirthdaycake #customcake #moanacake #smashcake #cakesrtist #10yearsexperience #cakedecorator #happybirthdayChloe #thankyou

Saturday, November 14, 2020

Little Mermaid Birthday Cake

 #customcake #littlemermaidcake #cakedesigner #cakeartist #happybirthdayGrace #7thbirthday #thankyou

Saturday, November 7, 2020

Sunday, November 1, 2020

Mickey Mouse 2nd Birthday Cake

 #customcake #mickeymouse #2ndbirthday #birthdayparty #cakeartist #cakedesigner #happybirthdayJustin #thankyou

Sunday, October 25, 2020

Little Bird 1st Birthday Cake

 #LittleBirdisturningone #happybirthday #1stbirthdaycake #smashcake #cakedecorator #cakeartist #customcake #thankyou

Saturday, October 17, 2020

Louis Vuitton Birthday Cake

 #customcake #loiusvuitton #cakeartist #vanillacake #happybirthdayAnsley #cakedecorator #thankyou

"Our little pumpkin" Half Birthday Cake

 #halfbirthdaycake #customcake #pinkpumpkin #goldandpink #cakeartist #cakedecorator #thankyou

Friday, October 16, 2020

Fall Wedding Cake, Garden in burgundy, blush pink & green

 Congratulations and best wishes for the future! ! Thank you so much for given opportunity to be a part of this special moment. It was my absolute pleasure.

#weddingcake #fall2020 #burgundy #blushpink #greenery #nakedcake #cakedesigner #cakeartist #photooftheday #photoshoot #Congratulations #weddingday2020

Saturday, October 10, 2020

Cocomelon Birthday Cake

 #birthdaycake #customcake #cakedesign #happybirthdayAmir #3rdbirthday #birthdayparty #cakeaartist #thankyou

Saturday, October 3, 2020

Tik Tok Cake

 #happybirthdayShanice #customcake #redvelvet #tiktok #cakeartist #10thbirthday #thankyou

Red and Black Bandana Cake

 #happybirthday #bandanatheme #customcake #cakeartist #halfandhalf #caketopperbyzana #cakedesign #birthdaycake #thankyou

Saturday, September 26, 2020

Red and Gold Wedding Cake & Grooms Cake /Georgia Bulldog

 Congratulations and best wishes for the future! ! Thank you so much for given opportunity to be a part of this special moment. It was my absolute pleasure.

#weddingcake #roses #customcake #iloveit #cakeartist #redvelvetcake #keylimecake #vanillacake

Friday, September 25, 2020

PJ Mask 1st Birthday Cake

 #customcake #1stbirthdaycake #pjmasks #happybirthday #smashcake #cakeartist #cakedesign #cakedesigner #thankyou

Harry Potter Cake

 #customcake #harrypotter #happybirthday #cakeartist #cakedesigner #thankyou

Saturday, September 19, 2020

Cookie Monster 1st Birthday Cake

 #customcake #1stbirthdaycake #CakeArtist #cookiemonstercake #cakedecoration #chocolatechipcookies #buttercreamicing #smashcake #happybirthday #thankyou

Jungle Safari Cake

 #customcake #junglesafaritheme #CakeArtist #cakedecoration #jungleanimals #thankyou

Minecraft TNT Cake

 #customcake #happybirthday #minecraftcake #CakeArtist #cakedecoration #thankyou