Saturday, September 26, 2020

Red and Gold Wedding Cake & Grooms Cake /Georgia Bulldog

 Congratulations and best wishes for the future! ! Thank you so much for given opportunity to be a part of this special moment. It was my absolute pleasure.

#weddingcake #roses #customcake #iloveit #cakeartist #redvelvetcake #keylimecake #vanillacake

Friday, September 25, 2020

PJ Mask 1st Birthday Cake

 #customcake #1stbirthdaycake #pjmasks #happybirthday #smashcake #cakeartist #cakedesign #cakedesigner #thankyou

Harry Potter Cake

 #customcake #harrypotter #happybirthday #cakeartist #cakedesigner #thankyou

Saturday, September 19, 2020

Cookie Monster 1st Birthday Cake

 #customcake #1stbirthdaycake #CakeArtist #cookiemonstercake #cakedecoration #chocolatechipcookies #buttercreamicing #smashcake #happybirthday #thankyou

Jungle Safari Cake

 #customcake #junglesafaritheme #CakeArtist #cakedecoration #jungleanimals #thankyou

Minecraft TNT Cake

 #customcake #happybirthday #minecraftcake #CakeArtist #cakedecoration #thankyou

Tik Tok Birthday Cake

 #customcake #tiktokcake #cakelove #cakeartist #buttercreamfrosting #happybirthday #thankyou